Anthony Akinbola
Camouflage #006 ( Black)
Du-rags on canvas, 2020
Camouflage #007 (White)
Du-rags on canvas, 2020
Anthony O. Akinbola is a Nigerian-American
interdisciplinary artist who employs the ready-made motif
in relation to the human experience and history. Working
with sculpture, performative and text-based works,
Akinbola is attuned to the void between artistic intention
and the viewer’s own comprehension, and he transforms
this chasm into a discourse of sorts, using it as a source of
creative energy. Camouflage #006 and Camouflage #007
are two of a series of ‘sculptural’ Du Rags that delve into
themes of consumption, respectability and cultural ritual.
Akinbola attempts to use the Du Rag; an object used in
the maintenance of black hair, as an abstracted proposition
on larger issues such as identity, respectability and
commodification of African American culture.