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Nin Brudermann

Das Patent (2008)


In “Das Patent (2008),” the textual aspects of narratology are illustrated as an idealized consumer event, where a model performs the uses of a patented unitard invented by the artist (dressing, undressing, toilet position, sex conversion etc.)  ‘I like my back covered but I never liked the crotch buttons. I invented a new, pure closing mechanism for unitards. It’s quite brilliant. Wolford almost produced it, but then a feud between the Wolford brothers resulted in all projects by one brother terminated. I had counted on the wrong brother. So I turned it into an artistic intervention.’


A video demonstrates the unitard’s unique simplicity. The model demonstrates the five essential figurations of the unitard in combination with a video projection that demarcates the unitard’s adaptable components. This action corresponds to the actual figurations included in the official patent, together with the descriptive abstract in juridical language. The goal is simple: 'There’s Nin Brudermann’s invented unitard for women, which can be taken off while going to the bathroom, without the person getting naked (think M.C. Escher).' New York Magazine, Critic's

Pick, Jerry Saltz July 2008. Ultimately it is the process of functional idealization through a narratological investigation that drives the work’s provocative content.


Nin Brudermann is an Austrian-American artist, living and working in New York, whose mixed-media works have garnered attention as narrative investigations, where an ambiguity exists between the real and the super-real. With her it is important to open the realm of possibilities, in the detective genre of the Whodunit, the “it” is irrelevant, or rather only relevant to the particular.  Nin Brudermann has exhibited her work at P.S.1 Museum, Brooklyn Museum, ICA London, Venice Biennale, Arhus Kunstbygning (DK), Futura (CZ), Kunstraum Dornbirn (A), Kunsthalle Krems and Kunsthalle Wien (A), Haus der Kunst Munich, Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp (CH), National Centre for Contemporary Arts (RU). Her artist monograph ‘nb’, published by Verlag für moderne Kunst is distributed in the US by Artbook/D.A.P..



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