Terry Jones
I’m sure I saw Rudolph (the Rednose Reindeer) race riding through the night sky. A clear starry Christmas Eve, the sleigh and Santa behind all the other reindeer. I was ten or eleven years old and I could fly at night in my dreams.
For years now I’ve taken photos of Blue skys. From deepest dark blue to the luminous blue over the horizon. Transcendental, endless blue that is a gaetway to infinity. A fact I remember from one Sunday evening prayers us schoolboys were shown a projected film of the galaxy, and that if we could count all the stars and know there are as many stars. Mind blowing of course! As an art student in the early sixties in Bristol and a sponge for mostly non political knowledge inspired by Marvel comics and concrete poetry, I discussed an idea for Nuclear Ave. * Taking all the nuclear arsenals into space and giving the world a spectacular firework display. My friend the poet John convinced me it was the dumbest idea ever and I gave up my aspirations as a kinetic artist, sticking to the more sensible occupation as a commercial artist.
* The Cuba crisis was in the news, USSR vs. USA
*I was born in the UK the day the official Japanese surrender was signed for WWII on 02/09/45
Terry Jones : creative director and founder/ editor-in-chief of i-D magazine 1980 - 2012
“ This exhibition and the invitation by Jicky to participate in the project has given me the push to finally stop procrastinating and start creating my own art works - something Ive been meaning to do for a very long time ! Its been an exciting & interesting process and one that I hope to continue in the years to come "